Marijuana glass pipe with marijuana grinder and lighter and other accessories

Whether you are a cannabis connoisseur or a marijuana master, having the right marijuana accessories is always a must. But what types of accessories does one need and where can you find them? 

Let’s go over some of the must-have items you need to have ready in your marijuana arsenal. 


Accessories for Smoking

When it comes to smoking marijuana there are a number of accessories you need, even just for the actual smoking itself. But, there are also plenty of other accessories that you could use to go along with them. 



An ashtray is definitely needed when it comes to smoking. Whether you are smoking a joint or pipe, it’s a necessity. No one wants to have roaches discarded throughout their house or ashes on their coffee table, and you can’t and don’t always want to have to smoke outside. So having a handy ashtray in prime smoking locations is a must. Plus you can pick your style and show off some flair when it comes to choosing an ashtray. You can go for something subtle and minimalistic or flashy and decorative to add a little extra pizazz to your living room decor.



Bongs are a fun change of pace when it comes to smoking. Some even say that taking a hit from a bong hits harder and faster than smoking. But as we all know, marijuana affects people differently. A bong is great for anyone who doesn’t like the harsh burning feeling you get when smoking a joint or from a pipe. With a bong, the water creates a vapor in the chamber which is what you inhale, and not by breathing in straight from the flower itself and getting that scorched feeling in the back of your throat. So if you are looking for something a little less harsh, a bong is a great accessory to have.


Multiple marijuana glass pipes in weed shop

Glass Pipe

If you like smoking joints and don’t want to invest in a bong, a glass pipe is a good alternative, or just a great piece to add to your collection. Glass pipes are used to smoke dried marijuana products and make for a smoother hit than that from a joint. 

Owning a glass pipe is also nice because you won’t have to worry about buying papers all of the time when you want to smoke. All you need is some good cleaning supplies, which we will discuss soon. Plus, glass pipes come in a variety of sizes, shapes and colors. Mini pipes are great for a quick one-hit session to yourself with easy cleanup, or you can go all out and get fun pipes that look like an elephant. The possibilities are endless when it comes to glass pipes and make for a great conversation. 



If you are smoking, you definitely need a grinder in your accessory toolbox. A grinder is used to grind down the flower and break down the buds into hash that can be used for smoking joints, pipes, and more. Grinders can be either manual or electric, similar to a coffee grinder. You can also get grinders that have a screen or filter inside that help to keep all of the larger bits out of the smaller, ground-up bits that are used for smoking. 


Accessories for Vaping



A vaporizer is a great way to get high without the toxic and carcinogenic properties that come with smoking a joint or from a pipe. Vaporizers heat marijuana to the point that only the cannabinoids are released, making for a cleaner and healthier smoke session compared to that of a joint.

There are also three types of vaporizers on the market today that you can pick up from your local weed shop. Vape pens and portable vaporizers are a popular version as they can be discreet and used anywhere. There is also a larger version that is not exactly portable but makes for a great vape session with high-quality vapor. 


Battery and Case

It goes without saying that if you get a vaporizer, especially a vape pen, you will definitely want to invest in an extra battery and case. Though some vape pens can use a USB charger, it all depends on your pen. Be sure to do your research and always have these accessories handy. 


Cleaning Accessories

As we mentioned before, when it comes to owning a pipe or bong, having the proper cleaning supplies is a must. Especially for those who smoke daily, you want to make sure you keep your pipes and bongs clean so that you don’t end up getting sick or create a clog in your piece that is hard to clean. 

For heavy consumers, it is best practice to clean your glass pipe every one or two days. For others who only smoke now and then, it’s best to clean your glass pipe after each use so that you have a clean pipe the next time you go to smoke. Cleaning with fresh water helps to create a tastier and more pleasant experience. But be sure to let your pipe dry completely before storing it. If you don’t clean your pipes often, you could develop bacteria, microorganisms, and or a slimy biofilm. 


Good Brushes and Cleaners

Aside from just using water, it would also be a smart idea to invest in a cleaning kit that includes a variety of brushes designed specifically to get into the hard to reach areas that marijuana can accumulate in your pipe or bong. Some kits also include specially formulated cleaners to keep your glass pipe in top shape. 


Other Thoughtful Accessories

When it comes to smoking marijuana, no matter how you do it, there are a number of other accessories that everyone should consider. 


Eye Drops

If you plan on going out in public and don’t want to draw any extra attention, eye drops are a good accessory to have on hand. Because THC lowers blood pressure in the body, this causes capillaries and blood vessels to dilate creating red eyes. You can always choose an eye drop solution you think is best, but there are also some eye drops that are specifically formulated to treat red eyes due to smoking weed. 


Storage Containers

To keep your marijuana safe, fresh, and mask the smell, having good storage is important. It also helps to keep out moisture that could create mold and ruin your stash. Mason jars make for great containers, but you can also find specially designed containers at your local weed shop. 



When it comes to marijuana, having the right accessories is a must. We hope our list helps you to find some solutions to your cannabis needs. Be sure to stop by your local From The Earth weed shop to pick up any of these accessories to add to your cannabis kit!