Female cannabis users are on the rise. In fact, Gen Z women are among the fastest growing consumers of legal weed according to a report from NBC News. Not only that, but Forbes reports that women are responsible for 70-80% of the consumer power in today’s economy. This means that more and more of the female population is responsible for how their household spends money, and they’re using that power to purchase cannabis. They are turning to cannabis not only for recreational use, but for treatment for health concerns as well.
Many are probably familiar with some of the common medical uses for cannabis, such as:
- Helping with general pain and anxiety
- Assisting in getting a better night’s sleep
- Helping people relax or unwind after a stressful workday
But what about women’s health specifically?
It is typical for women’s health to take a backburner among health topics or in various medical circles, many glossing over issues such as menstrual pain, postpartum depression, and even sexual health. Cannabis can actually be quite helpful in these areas, and our cannabis dispensary in Santa Ana wants to take some time to give these a closer look.
Keep reading to learn the four essential things that women should know about weed’s impact on wellness.
1.) Cannabis can help with postpartum depression.
Each year in the United States, nearly 600,000 women suffer from a condition called postpartum depression. While some brush it off as the ‘baby blues’, it is certainly not as cute as that moniker makes it sound. In fact, it is actually a debilitating condition that is often overlooked and under-diagnosed by physicians all across the country. Symptoms can include extreme sadness, depression, anxiety, anger, outbursts, and even difficulty sleeping and eating following the birth of a child. This not only affects the health and well-being of the mother, but can put a child in danger as well, especially if left untreated.
Thankfully, cannabis can actually help alleviate some of these symptoms. Whether you go for THC or CBD, there are products out there that can aid new mothers with getting better rest at night, boosting their appetite, and even working to reduce anxiety and depression levels. From gummies to tinctures to flower, there are options out there that will work best for you. Of course, it is important that you have a conversation with your doctor about your postpartum depression and using cannabis as a treatment.
2.) Cannabis can help alleviate menstrual cramps.
For many women, menstrual cramps can be on the severe end of things, causing such tremendous pain that they have to call out of school or work, having a negative influence over their lives, just like any other illness or condition. For those with conditions such as PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) or endometriosis, this can worsen the pain and symptoms exponentially. While coping through these symptoms typically looks like curling up with a heating pad, taking pain meds, and nursing a mug of our favorite comfort drink, we have another solution: cannabis.
Studies have shown that THC contains almost twenty times the anti-inflammatory properties of your average over the counter Aspirin. As an added bonus, cannabis doesn’t come with the unwanted gastrointestinal side effects like those that are found with Aspirin. Again, even if you’re not a fan of smoking cannabis, there are great products out there that you can try. We highly recommend Carter’s Apothecary Designs’ mimosa cream for something that not only smells great, but helps to relieve pain.
If that isn’t quite up your alley, try mixing a tincture in with your favorite tea. One of our favorites to mention is Care By Design’s sublingual drops. You can put a few drops under your tongue or mix in with a hot beverage, your choice. Either way, you are sure to help alleviate some of the symptoms of PMS.
3.) Cannabis acts as a natural aphrodisiac.
Toss out the oysters and pomegranate juice and make way for a natural aphrodisiac you will really enjoy: cannabis. There are hundreds of articles that exist out there regarding the connections between cannabis and better sex, but only recently did the Journal of Sexual Medicine find some interesting data that we want to share. One of the stand out statistics that it produced said that cannabis consumers, on average, have about 20% more sex than those who don’t partake. That is a significant difference!
While there are probably several factors behind this, we know that a lot of can be contributed to the fact that when you are in better spirits and have more confidence, the more eager you are to engage in sexual activity. Cannabis can serve as a wonderful, all-natural alternative to women who want to be more sexually active but find that they lack the drive.
This could be an especially useful fact for women who are trying to conceive, as it can be a very stressful time. When the body and mind are under pressure, it can yield negative results instead of positive ones.
![A woman's hand holding up a joint in front of a cannabis field]()
4.) Women get high quicker than men.
According to a study conducted by the University of Washington, women have a higher sensitivity to cannabis than men. They found that when testing THC on rats, the female rats had a lower tolerance to the psychoactive effects when compared to their male counterparts. This is great news, as typically, this means women need smaller doses and can make their favorite cannabis products last even longer. Of course, there are other factors to tolerance, such as height, weight, and years of experience with cannabis products.
Cannabis Dispensary Santa Ana
If you are ready to feel better, it’s time to stop into our cannabis dispensary in Santa Ana and find out how cannabis can help. Talk to one of our female budtenders and see what their recommendations or favorite products are. We are here to assist you in finding the best products to fit your needs!
For those of you who know what you want already, you are always welcome to shop online and opt for either curbside pickup or same-day delivery. We understand if you’re experiencing cramps and don’t want to leave the comfort of your own home: let us do the heavy lifting and bring your order out to your car or right to your door!