Cannabis wellness, tincutures


With April being ‘Stress Awareness Month’, there is no better time to discuss it, as it is a growing problem that affects millions of Americans every single day. We all encounter stress on some level, whether it be at home, at work, or just in general regarding everything going on in the world. It serves to be a detriment to our health, breaking us down both mentally and physically. 

 Getting proper sleep, having a balanced diet, and participating in regular exercise have great benefits and are all a part of the typical course of action. There are many other natural remedies for stress relief but one that stands out amongst the rest is CBD.


What is CBD?

As a quick explanation, CBD is an oil that is extracted from a cannabis plant. Its longer, scientific name is ‘cannabidiol’, and is one of the 100+ different cannabinoids found in a cannabis plant. These cannabinoids are found in the leaves and the buds of cannabis plants and are then extracted and separated.

Once it has been extracted, CBD is a colorless, crystalline structure. At room temperature, it exists in its purest form. CBD can either be derived from a marijuana or a hemp plant. However, CBD that comes from marijuana crops tend to be more potent and effective than when it comes from hemp. The use of CBD has many benefits, including the relief of pain, stress, anxiety, and more. In some cases, it has even been shown to help with seizure disorders.


Chronic Stress & Anxiety

Before determining which CBD products would work best for you, it’s important to take a moment to discern which is your primary concern: are you stressed, anxious, or both? Some people use the terms interchangeably, and while they can work in tandem and feature many of the same physical and emotional symptoms, they are not the same.

Stress is what your body does in response to a situation. When examining stress a little closer, it’s easy to tell that stress is not just about feeling irritated and frazzled. That may be the initial, surface-level reaction, however, compiling stress can segue into something much more dangerous. Fatigue, headaches, stomach ulcers, memory loss, and an altered sleep cycle are just a few of the negative, chronic side effects. 

Anxiety is a reaction to the aforementioned stress. Some effects of anxiety on the body can include high blood pressure, panic attacks, breathing problems, fatigue, and irritability. CBD can help aid some of these conditions, though some anxiety disorders may require additional medication and/or counseling. Check out these great CBD products that you can pick up from the best cannabis online store, From The Earth.


1. Bath Bomb

When it comes to self-care, one of the first, easy remedies that we see recommended is a classic bubble bath. For some people, there is nothing quite like a hot soak in a bathtub to melt our troubles away, however, it can be enhanced by adding a simple product – a mood-stabilizing 1:1 bath bomb. 

This product is made with CBD and essential oils, meant to smell refreshing and calming as well as aid in restoring the body and the mind. By appealing to many senses at once, you can let the stress of the day leave your mind while you relax. With a perfectly blended mixture of cannabinoids and all-natural essential oils, this bath bomb helps create an immersive, full-body experience. 


2. Gummies

A great option that can work for mild stress relief is chewable gummies. These are typically convenient to carry, are easily consumed, and often are sold in a wide variety of delicious flavors and textures. So odds are high that you will find something to suit your taste buds. A popular option at From The Earth is their mixed berry 18:1 CBD gummies. With little to no psychoactivity, this a CBD dominant option that is is great for alleviating mild stress symptoms as you go about your day.


3. Balms or Lotions

Stress can take a physical toll on the body, as we have learned. Sometimes, this can manifest into aches and pains that are felt throughout our body. We tend to hold onto tension in highly worked areas of our neck, back, and shoulders. Chronic pain alone can prove to exacerbate our situation, creating a vicious cycle that we can’t shake. 

CBD-rich balms or lotions are perfect for relaxing your body without the high.  The best cannabis online store, From The Earth, features several great topical products, including Papa & Barkley’s CBD Rich Releaf Balm. This particular balm is infused with organic oils, including eucalyptus, tea tree, peppermint, and lavender. Combined with CBD & a minimal amount of THC that creates a powerful mixture meant to soothe and relax while providing you with some pain relief. 

Cannabis choclate, edibles

4. Chocolate

For those with a sweet tooth, munching on candy, chocolate, or other quick, sugary products is oftentimes a go-to for bringing about some mild stress relief. These sugary snacks tend to release endorphins simply because they taste good and make us happy. However, pairing the simplicity of enjoying chocolate with the powerful healing qualities of CBD can result in something truly delightful.

Dark chocolate sea salt or delicious milk chocolate are just two of the rich flavors that can be purchased at From The Earth. Their selection of products with   CBD, THC, or both is top-notch. There surely is something for everyone in their online cannabis store. Remember, you can also order ahead on their website and choose curbside pick-up or opt to pick up in-store. Some locations feature same-day delivery that is quick & easy to use and created for your convenience. 


5. Tablinguals

One product that is not as often thought of due to its size and rather inconspicuous appearance are tablinguals. These tablets are small and usually packaged in a relatively non-descript box, made to look like gum or breath mints, such as these Remedy CBD Tablinguals. Coming in flavors such as spearmint or peppermint, these offer a refreshing way to add a quick yet discreet pick-me-up to your day.

The next time you need a bit of stress relief, turn to the best cannabis online store, From The Earth, and order your favorite soothing CBD products. Order online and choose from delivery or curbside pickup. You’re guaranteed to be stress-free in no time.