CBD and medical cannabis products

For many centuries, cannabis has been used for its medicinal qualities. Dating back to ancient Greece and Rome, as well as parts of the Middle East, the benefits of cannabis have been well-documented. During this time period, it was often used to help with the pain of toothaches and earaches. In fact, some Roman women of elite status even used it to alleviate their labor pains during childbirth. 

In the modern era, you have probably heard of cannabis being used to help cancer patients undergoing chemo to help with depression as well as boost their appetite. Or maybe, you have caught wind about how it aids those who suffer from glaucoma. The U.S. Food and Drug administration has even, in recent years, approved the use of plant-based pharmaceuticals that include cannabis.

Before popping into one the best medical marijuana dispensaries in Santa Ana, you should know about some of the health benefits that cannabis has! Keep reading to learn more. 


1.) Get Better Rest at Night


Discovering what the endocannabinoid system is capable of was perhaps one of the biggest breakthroughs for cannabis in the past 30 years. It was found that this system is directly responsible for maintaining the body’s endocrine system, which is responsible for regulating the processing of various hormones necessary for functioning effectively. And yes, this includes the hormone that makes sure that you get enough sleep at night!

If you are under a lot of stress and find yourself tossing and turning throughout the night, or unable to actually get a decent amount of sleep, try purchasing products that contain phytocannabinoids. This typically includes both THC and CBD.


2.) Manage Chronic Pain


Cannabis doesn’t just help you relax – it actually warrants a closer look. Have you ever heard of the endocannabinoid called ‘anandamide’? While it is always naturally present in the body, cannabis actually reacts chemically to the anandamide, which increases the amount in our blood stream. In turn, that allows us to feel less pain. 

So if you or someone you know suffers from chronic pain, such arthritis, migraines, back pain, or perhaps another pain issue, recommend that they stop in one of the best medical marijuana dispensaries in Santa Ana and speak to a staff member about a product that could potentially help. This is also a great option for those who want to stay away from prescription painkillers. 


3.) Reduce Anxiety


Did you know that roughly 40 million American adults suffer from some sort of anxiety? Not only that, but it can be a symptom of many other types of disorders as well. If you have ever dealt with anxiety, you know just how debilitating it can be. However, thankfully, there is a solution in cannabis. 

If you are wanting to use cannabis as a viable option to help with anxiety, it is important to start off with small dosages and also look in the realm of CBD as opposed to THC. For some folks, getting too high of a dose of THC can make them paranoid or anxious, and this would clearly be counterproductive. 


4.) Help with Inflammation 


Inflammation is a culprit behind many medical issues, including joint pain, headaches, sclerosis, and even acne. Cannabis can help with this because it is actually also an anti-inflammatory, though for this, it is highly recommended to use something topical rather than a product you ingest. In fact, cannabis may even be helpful due to the positive effect it has on the body’s natural neuropathways.

Something that could really help is a CBD topical gel or lotion, such as this cream from Carter’s Aromatherapy Designs. Not only does it contain CBD, but it also has many other all-natural ingredients, such as coconut oil, shea butter, and lavender essential oil. 

A container of CBD cream


5.) Seizure Control


If you have spent much time on the internet, you have probably seen videos circulating around that depict a child with seizures receiving treatment from cannabis oil drops or another similar CBD product. Typically, in a matter of minutes, the child’s seizures are dramatically reduced or have stopped completely. Thanks to clear-cut evidence such as this, among other research, the FDA has recently approved the plant-based version of CBD as a method to treat seizures in both children and adults. 


6.) Improves the Immune System


In the light of the ongoing COVID pandemic, if there is one thing we all have learned, it’s the value of our immune systems. We want to remain as healthy as possible in order to fight illness, disease, and infection. Scientists have looked closely at the CB1 and CB2 receptors of the human brain as well as the immune system. Through this, they discovered that it is actually quite possible that cannabis can help the body retain homeostasis, which in turn, allows us to stay healthy and well.


7.) Managing PTSD


It is no secret that living with PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, can be a lifelong and often difficult thing to handle. Those who have PTSD tend to suffer from episodes that include flashbacks to their trauma, intrusive memories or nightmares, and even an intense amount of anxiety. This can wreak havoc on a person mentally, emotionally, and even physically. 

In one study conducted in 2014, researchers actually found that CBD helped those with PTSD manage some of their symptoms, including to ease their anxiety and allow them to get better rest at night. If you or someone you love have a hard time managing PTS and its symptoms, stop in to talk to one of our helpful and knowledgeable staff members about a good starter product.


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While this is just a few of the health benefits listed, there is actually more to be had with scientists and researchers making new discoveries every single day. There is a reason that cannabis was accepted and approved medically on a wide-scale spectrum first, and that’s because the evidence is clearly there.

Here at From The Earth, we want you to lead your healthiest life – it’s what you deserve! That is why we have stocked our shelves with the highest quality products possible as well as trained our staff to be available to educate and answer any questions you might have. Cannabis has something to offer everyone, and isn’t it high time you felt your best?