A woman smoking cannabis in a chair

If you have been consuming cannabis for any length of time, odds are good that you have done a fair share of experimenting with various strains in an effort to find out what you did or didn’t like. Maybe one strain left you couch-locked with light limbs, or the other made you feel creative and alert. With so many different strains available on the market, it makes sense to want to find what is the best fit for you. 

The reason that there are so many different strains of cannabis is because they each have unique highs that a person can experience. While these can get pretty specific, most strains fit into one of two overarching categories: a head high and a body high.

So what is the difference between the two? Which one is better? How can you determine which strain will give you which effects? Keep reading to learn more and get the answer to these questions!


What does a ‘head high’ mean?

While you have likely heard the term ‘head high’ before, you might not know what it means. Essentially, it refers to the psychoactive effect that cannabis can have on the brain and mental condition. Normally, even if you are partaking in a strain that is geared toward both a head and body high, you will feel the effects of a head high first. 

With a head high, you will usually experience feelings of euphoria, happiness, and pleasure. Depending on the strain, you might also see a boost in your focus and energy levels, too. The strains geared toward a head high tend to help with certain disorders such as depression or anxiety. 

As is a rule in cannabis consumption, dosing is important. The right dose will have you feeling the desired effects as described for that individual strain. However, an overconsumption can lead to paranoia and anxiety for a short stint of time. Since this is clearly not ideal, it is best to start with a small amount and work your way up.


What does a ‘body high’ mean?

On the other hand, a ‘body high’ is what you feel in your body when consuming cannabis. Typically, you feel light-limbed or experience other physical side effects. Either way, it is meant to relax and soothe the body. 

Common effects of a body high include experiencing relaxed muscles, lethargy, and sedation. Depending on what product you purchased, you could also feel tingly sensations or physical sensitivity throughout your body. Turning to cannabis strains that have a body high focus is a go-to for those who suffer from any sort of chronic physical pain, such as fibromyalgia or arthritis. It has even been used to help alleviate pain in cancer patients undergoing chemo. Also, because it causes sedation, it has helped those with insomnia. 

Again, paying keen attention to dosing is very important. The right amount of cannabis can trigger the desired effects, but taking too much can leave you couch-locked. If that is your desired goal, that’s great! However, if you’re simply seeking pain relief in order to get through various tasks, this might end up being counterproductive. 


Do Chemicals Influence the High?

Cannabis plants have many different compounds within them. How concentrated each compound is depends on which strain you have. It all varies, which is what makes each strain unique and creates different types of highs and effects.

Cannabinoids are located inside of cannabis plants. In fact, there are over one hundred different types of cannabinoids. When cannabis is consumed, these cannabinoids attach the cannabinoid receptors in our bodies, which triggers the different effects we feel. Not every strain possesses the same type or amount of cannabinoids. For example, one strain might be higher in THC while the other is higher in CBD. 

Another thing that influences a cannabis product is the terpenes present. Terpenes exist in all plants, and have an effect on flavor and aroma. As an example, terpenes help to determine if a strain is more energizing and stimulating, or if it will be more sedating and calming. 


Sativa and Indica: Do They Have an Influence

Generally speaking, cannabis has three categories it falls into: Sativa, Indica, or a hybrid. Though with hybrids, they still tend to be either Sativa-dominant or Indica-dominant. While most folks believe that Sativa strictly means that it’s energizing and Indica means that it’s relaxing, it is actually not that simple. It does depend on the product. If you’re not sure, talk to one of our helpful budtenders at any of our dispensaries for assistance. 

Jars filled with cannabis

The Best Strain for You

No two cannabis strains are the exact same, making them unique – just like you! So what works best for you might not work best for the person standing next to you in line at the dispensary. It all depends on what you’re looking for. Take any medical conditions into consideration, or any goals that you might have in mind when using cannabis. 

For example, are you looking to feel more inspired or do you want a boost of creativity? Or do you need a bit of relief from joint pain or other issues? Getting the answers to these questions will help you to determine which is best for you!


Cannabis Delivery in Santa Ana

If you know your favorite strain or have a favorite cannabis product already, opt for cannabis delivery in Santa Ana! Our dispensaries make it super easy to get your favorite products brought straight to your door. Whether you are after a head high, or body high, or maybe a mix of both, you can bet that From The Earth has everything you need. 

Of course, if you have questions, feel free to stop in and talk to one of our helpful staff members. We want to help educate and provide our customers with a personalized, friendly experience. We want to cultivate a space where everyone can grow, learn, and live.