Three chocolate chip cookies infused with cannabis

If you are new to the world of cannabis or have been looking at getting started with cannabis products, there is a lot of information out there. Thanks to the continued legalization and stigmatization of cannabis, more and more products are making their way onto the market. And while this is a very good thing, it can certainly bring about a lot of questions.

Odds are good that you have heard of edibles. Not only are they widely popular, but just about every Hollywood comedy movie for the past 15 years has featured hijinx that follows accidentally eating a batch of ‘special’ brownies. While this certainly draws laughs, edibles are so much more than that! 

So before you place your weed online delivery in Santa Ana, we want to take the time to ask (and answer!) six key questions you need to know about edibles.


1.) What are edibles?

Edibles are so much more than ‘pot brownies’. To put in simple terms, an edible is any food or drink that has been infused with THC or CBD. They can exist in many different forms, including gummies, baked goods, drinks, candy, and more! Typically, there are four main types of edibles.

  • Sativa-only
  • Indica-only
  • Hybrid (a combination of Sativa and Indica)
  • Pure CBD

Which one is right for you is totally up to what your wants and needs are. There is no right or wrong answer, so long as you are fully satisfied with the product. Just like with any product you buy, remember that you often get what you pay for. You want to make sure you’re buying good, quality edible products made with the best ingredients as well as the most effective strains of THC or CBD.


2.) How exactly do edibles work?

Edibles, in slang terminology, ‘hits different’. The high or bodily effects you experience tend to be different than that which you might encounter when smoking or vaping cannabis. This is due to the way that the THC is processed through the bloodstream. When you smoke or vape, it instantly hits your bloodstream, making you feel the effects right away. When you ingest edibles, the process takes much longer. This is due to the fact that it has to metabolize through your liver and digestive system. 


3.) How long does it take for edibles to kick in?

Because of the lengthier metabolization process mentioned above, you won’t feel the effects of the edibles right away. Typically, it can take about 30 minutes or more to begin to feel the high. Due to this reason, many cannabis newbies make the rookie mistake of eating another edible in hopes to speed the process along. This can result in leaving you feeling too high or possibly even a bit nauseous. Patience is a virtue, and that especially applies to edibles!

A cannabis chocolate bar on a plate

4.) How do I go about dosing edibles?

Again, it is important that you don’t rush into edibles! Take the time to figure out what really works best for you. Below, we have a few tips that can help you to better understand dosing. 


If you are anxious at all about getting started with edibles, it is best you try your hand at microdosing first. Typically, you would start out trying 1-5 mg of THC per serving. At this rate, it will be easier to pace yourself and avoid any kind of overeating. Microdosing isn’t just for beginners, though! It can actually be an effective way to tackle stressful situations, such as tiring work days and family obligations you would much prefer to skip.

Medium Dose

If you’re looking for a type of high that toes the line between productivity and recreation, then you will want to shoot for a medium dose. Normally, this entails about 5-10 mg of THC and will leave you comfortably stoned for some time. This is a great choice if you’re looking to elevate your experience at a concert or while going out with friends. You won’t be couch locked, but you’re sure to have a good time!


Ready to sit on the couch and vibe like a useless potato for three or four hours? If so, then you need to macrodose. This means you will want to consume 10 mg or more of THC. We do not recommend this for beginners or someone just trying edibles for the first time. Leave this option for the pros. But if it’s something you might be interested in, remember to work your way up to this point!


5.) Is there a difference between Sativa and Indica edibles?

Just like when you’re smoking cannabis, Sativa and Indica tend to follow the same rules when it edibles. If you’re after a ‘head high’ that creates a more energetic and uplifting type of feeling, you will want to opt for edibles made with a Sativa strain. On the other hand, if you are after a more relaxed, ‘body high’ that can help you unwind and even sleep better, then you will want to choose edibles made with an Indica strain. Edibles made with a hybrid strain can create different effects, so be sure to read the label and ask questions when you’re visiting our store.


6.) What types of edibles can I purchase?

If you are to place a weed online delivery in Santa Ana, your options are basically limitless. Here at our cannabis dispensary, we feature a huge wealth of products. Drinks, gummies, candy, baked goods, chocolate bars – you name it, and you can pick it up at our store. Edibles are a great alternative to smoking or vaping, because you can get high and enjoy a delicious treat at the same time!

Shop From The Earth

Do you have more questions about edibles? No problem! Stop by one of our locations and let us help you answer any questions that you may have. Our highly trained staff want to make sure that you’re getting the best experience possible and leaving with the right products for you. Let our team here at From The Earth get you set up with everything you need!