CBD oil stacked on top of massage stones

More and more recently, many salons and spas have been incorporating a new option to their list of services: a CBD infused massage. While it might seem like CBD is everywhere these days as it gains popularity thanks to widespread legalization, it isn’t just a passing fad! CBD comes with a whole host of health benefits. Today, our weed dispensary in Santa Ana wants to take a little time to take a closer look at CBD infused massages, and exactly why you should get one right away!


Combining Two Holistic Health Options

Massage: An Ancient Medicine 

Massage has existed for a very long time. More refined practices date back to ancient parts of Asia, used to treat a variety of ailments and injuries. However, with time, the formal practice of massage has shifted into a more widespread audience, even making headway in the Western world. While massages can be done at home, there is nothing quite like the experience of booking with a licensed massage therapist. 

The benefits of massage are unprecedented. While of course it can help to alleviate pain in aching joints and muscles, it also goes beyond that. It can improve circulation, lower heart rate and blood pressure, improve immune health, and even decrease stress. 


Some of the most popular products we sell here at our weed dispensary in Santa Ana are CBD infused massage oils and balms. These are applied topically, and are great for relieving pain and reducing inflammation without having any of the ‘high’ sensation or psychoactive effects. Plus, these products are typically made with a variety of other all natural ingredients, such as lavender, essential oils, eucalyptus, and more!

Better Together

So what is a CBD infused massage? To put it simply, it is when a massage therapist utilizes the healing properties of CBD oil or balm instead of a standard lotion or cream. It quite literally combines the best of both worlds!


CBD Massage Benefits

Though we have touched on them briefly, let’s delve in and take a closer look at the benefits of getting a CBD massage!

Reduces Anxiety

Did you know that over 40 million American adults struggle with anxiety? This is a huge number! Anxiety can be quite crippling for some of those affected. While some use to treat with prescription medication, others might benefit more from holistic measures, such as massage and CBD. CBD is well known for its ability to reduce anxiety and leave the mind feeling calmer and more relaxed. Add this to a restorative massage, and you should be feeling blissful in no time!

Improves Blood Flow

Poor circulation is another health concern that both CBD and massage can help with! For those who have poor circulation, they frequently experience fatigue, become tired easier, and may even feel numbness or pins and needles sensations in their extremities. Getting a regular massage with CBD can work to improve circulation and alleviate these symptoms. 

Decreases Inflammation 

When we have inflammation going on in our bodies, it can be extremely painful. In fact, it is the key culprit behind joint health issues such as arthritis. When joint inflammation occurs, it can be hard to walk or complete day to day tasks, let alone work out or complete strenuous exercise. When combined synergistically, massage and CBD can really help to bring about inflammation relief and in turn, improve overall quality of life. 

Improves Sleep

It is hardly a secret that Americans are tired. Most are even downright exhausted. If we suffer from one or more of the aforementioned ailments, it can only make fatigue and exhaustion all the worse. Stress and anxiety keep many awake at night, as does joint pain or body aches. One restless night leads to another and before you know it, it is hard to shake this vicious cycle. If you are looking for improved rest and a better night’s sleep, CBD-infused massage could very well be your new best friend. ‘

A person using CBD massage cream on their hands

Side Effects of CBD Massage

Whenever you go to try something new, especially in the realm of health, it is important to ask about the side effects. The good news is that CBD is generally recognized as safe to use for adults, at least topically. When consuming orally, there may be some mild reactions such as drowsiness, fatigue, or even nausea. However, this is typically not the case with topical products. 

Though if you have questions or concerns about using a CBD oil during your massage, talk to the therapist you booked with! They would be happy to help you feel more comfortable with using topical CBD products. It is possible that they might have some health screening questions for you in return.

No Psychoactive Effects

Even though we mentioned it above, we feel it is important to reiterate that topical CBD products have no psychoactive effects. When applied to the skin, you will not feel any sort of ‘high’ sensation, head, body, or otherwise. 

Massage Aftercare

The most important thing you should know following your CBD massage is that you shouldn’t shower right away. If you can, try to give it at least 24 hours before you bathe. This will give the CBD oil ample time to absorb and give you the maximum impact, even long after you have left the massage therapy salon. Typically, the side effects will feel their most potent within the first two hours after the massage is complete. 

Also, just like with any massage, be sure to rest, relax, and drink plenty of water to keep purifying your body of the toxins. If you can, avoid strenuous exercise.

Weed Dispensary in Santa Ana

While booking with a licensed massage therapist is highly recommended, you are more than welcome to try a few products at home as well. Our weed dispensary in Santa Ana has a wealth of topical CBD products available, ranging from oils to lotions to bath bombs you can pop right into the tub. Our helpful staff would also be more than happy to answer any questions that you have about CBD to make sure you are buying the right product for your needs.