A senior man smokes cannabis sitting at his kitchen table

Most older Americans can recall the way that cannabis has changed dramatically over the past forty or so years. Throughout many points, cannabis was not only something that was demonized socially, but was also illegal. Thankfully, cannabis has made some series headway in the past decade, working to change the minds of even the most staunch opposers. 

However, for seniors, getting started with cannabis is something that might still take some time and convincing, and that’s okay! Today, our team at our greenleaf dispensary in Santa Ana has compiled some of the top ways that seniors can benefit from cannabis. Continue reading to learn more!

1.) Relieve Joint Pain

As we age, our joints tend to progressively grow stiff and painful. If you are a senior who has been diagnosed with arthritis or other severe joint issues, this is especially true. While pain medications are often prescribed in these scenarios, it isn’t always the ideal case. Instead, cannabis could be an excellent alternative. 

Don’t worry, though! You don’t have to actually smoke weed if you don’t want to or if THC isn’t legal yet in your state. CBD is always another great option, and one of its best curative properties is actually joint pain relief. Try a CBD ointment or balm, opt for a CBD bath bomb or massage oil, or simly try some flavored CBD gummies. Either way, you will be sure to find the relief you long for. 

2.) Promotes Rest and Relaxation

Your golden years should be all about unwinding and enjoying retirement. For some people, though, this can be difficult. There might be times when your body feels relaxed but your mind won’t shut off and you are restless. This is where cannabis comes in! Cannabis can be an excellent way to turn off anxious thoughts or still restless hands. Try smoking or ingesting cannabis prior to curling up with a good book or putting on your favorite movie and see if it helps you relax.

3.) Increase Appetite 

For many older adults, it can be a real struggle to maintain an active appetite. However, maintaining a proper diet is especially important in keeping up your health and maintaining overall wellness. If you lack an appetite or struggle to find the desire to eat, cannabis could be very helpful in this arena. Cannabis has been proven time and time again to help with eating disorders such as anorexia, as well increase the appetite of those undergoing chemotherapy. 

If this sounds like you, stop by our greenleaf dispensary in Santa Ana and check out what products might be helpful. Be sure to ask our staff if you need assistance – that’s what they are there for!

4.) Get Better Rest

Each and every night, millions of seniors struggle with getting adequate sleep. While this can be due to any number of factors, including medications, anxiety, and general restlessness, know that you don’t have to suffer any longer. Certain strains of cannabis, such as CBN, have proven to be exceptionally beneficial in helping people to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. Don’t toss and turn any longer! Allow cannabis to help you get the healing and restful sleep that you deserve.

5.) Increased Mindfulness

For seniors who suffer from dementia-like symptoms, staying mindful is essential for keeping grounded and focused. Many healthcare professionals highly recommend yoga and meditation to help counter some of the impact of dementia. Of course, it doesn’t hurt to have a little help. Many people utilize cannabis as a way to slow down, take a deep breath, and to focus on what is right in front of them. Be that a puzzle, a TV show, or a walk in nature, cannabis can help to keep you in the moment. 

A senior woman practices yoga outdoors

6.) Help With Mental Health

Anxiety, stress, and depression do not discriminate against age. Even seniors can feel the negative impacts of these mental health conditions. In fact, many seniors cite struggling with their mental health for a multitude of reasons. Maybe, you have lost a partner or a beloved friend. Perhaps you are having a hard time coping with retiring and changing your lifestyle. Regardless of the reason, know you are not alone! 

Schedule an appointment to a doctor or a mental health professional right away. Make sure to discuss with them how you are feeling as well as the possibility of using cannabis to help. 

7.) Helps Regulate Seizures

If you are an older adult who struggles with seizures, you know how debilitating they can be. Seizures can impair many aspects of one’s life. Thankfully, cannabis can actually help regulate seizures, especially those caused due to epilepsy. Once again, this is something to check in with your doctor about and see if it would be right for you. 

8.) Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

Perhaps one of the biggest health concerns among seniors is the fear of developing Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. According to the CDC, Alzheimer’s Disease is a cognitive disorder that impacts the parts of the brain that control thought, memory, and language. At first, the disease might show itself as mild forgetfulness or confusion, but then can segue into even more severe symptoms. 

Cannabis is an anti-inflammatory, which means it works to decrease the inflammation in our bodies. Due to this fact, cannabis might actually help to prevent Alzheimer’s Disease. While more studies are being conducted, cannabis is something to keep an eye on for the future of treating and preventing cognitive declines. 

Greenleaf Dispensary in Santa Ana

Ready to shop the best selection of cannabis products? Then head on into our greenleaf dispensary in Santa Ana! Not only do we have great deals and sales every day, but we also offer a 10% discount to seniors aged 65 or older. If you are a veteran, just bring your ID and get 15% off instead. There are also special discounts for those with chronic pain, medical disabilities, and even terminal illness patients. Allow our helpful staff to answer any questions that you may have and assist you in finding the right products for you.